DUI Drink Driving Lawyer Wiseman Lawyers

Lawyer Andrew Wiseman Predicted Tony Morris QC Ticket Appeal Loss

June 23, 2015

As reported by the Courier Mail, prominent Queensland Barrister Tony Morris QC today lost his Court of Appeal challenge to a speeding ticket.

Mr Morris stated that he was not the driver, and that he was not obliged to nominate the actual driver, on the grounds of ‘Spousal Privilege’.

Spousal Privilege is the now defunct right to protect one’s spouse from incrimination.

Mr Morris also submitted that the ticket was unconstitutional.

Wiseman Lawyers Principal Solicitor Andrew Wiseman discussed the law on Spousal Immunity on 4BC with Ben Davis on 8 April 2015, back when the appeal was lodged.

Feel free to listen to Andrew’s April 4BC interview on the matter below.

Back in April, Andrew highlighted the fact that Spousal Privilege had been dispensed with by the High Court back in 2011, and that any argument of unconstitutionality was moot, given the Constitution binds the Federal Government only, and not the States.

It remains to be seen whether Mr Morris will appeal further to the High Court.

Wiseman Lawyers specialise in DUI Drink Driving and Traffic Law.


Andrew Wiseman, Wiseman Lawyers 

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